Mid-Atlantic Reformed Baptist Family Conference
Speakers: Jeremy Walker and Craig Riggall
Questions? Email registrar.rbfc@gmail.com.
Mid-Atlantic Reformed Baptist Family Conference
Speakers: Jeremy Walker and Craig Riggall
Questions? Email registrar.rbfc@gmail.com.
Our Location
200 Corporate Center Drive
Suite 101
Camp Hill, PA 17011
717-761-GRBC (4722)
Morning Worship:
Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Worship Service: 10:45 AM
Evening Worship:
Worship Service: 6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting:
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Board of Elders
Kent Creason
Craig Riggall
Jake Martin
Benjamin Colby
Board of Deacons
Jacob Geib
Caleb Gorton
Atul Gopalan
Mike Lucas
Lee Wiley
Michael Wolfe